Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Attention United States Citizens,

Today is November 4th. Do you know what that means? That's right, today is Election Day for the position of President. Please get off your lazy bum for one day, and cast your vote.

Unless you actually think Sarah Palin could handle the presidency without causing some sort of Catholic cataclysm (not that I have anything against Catholics, I was one for a long time, it's just the zealot end-of-the-world-is-nigh types I have a problem with). If that is the case, please, please, stay at home, cozy up with a nice mug of tea or coffee or a glass of fine wine, watch your favorite Spanish soap opera, and try to educate yourself a little bit better.

Also, if you plan on voting for Nader, please consider that no conservative-minded person would ever vote for him, so by voting for him instead of Obama you are pretty much just making it that much harder for Obama to win. So let's face it, Nader will never, ever, ever win, and would you really rather have McCain than Obama?

Good luck America.